In Star Trek: Captain's Chair, you will go head-to-head with an opponent, each stepping into the shoes of an iconic captain from across Star Trek's galaxy and history. Command ships, crew, and away teams, while you manage resources and alliances!
Each of the six captains come with their own unique, asymmetric deck of cards, themed to that captain's personality strategies, allies, and assets. Each deck creates different strategic directions, based on what common cards are available and what strategy your opponent deploys.
The captains to choose from include:
- Jean-Luc Picard
- Benjamin Sisko
- Michael Burnham
- Koloth, The Dahar Master
- Sela
- Thy'lek Shran
True to Star Trek, antagonism will not win every game. You will need to pursue diplomacy, exploration, and science, with different captains excelling at different paths.
- 240+ Standard cards
- 32 Ship tokens
- 12 Automated command cards
- 2 Player aid cards
- 6 Specialty markers
- 25 Latinum tokens
- 30 Dilithium tokens
- 9 Action tokens
- 6 Mission completion tokens
- 50+ Glory tokens
- 10 x5 Resource tokens
- 1 Market strip
- 1 Starting player token
- 1 Card list
- 1 Score pad
- 1 Rulebook
.: The Gaming Verse :.
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